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The Big Bag of Random Stuff

We weren't born with a name, we were given a name. A hedgehog doesn't have a name. It's just a nameless thing with a handful of flesh and skin and a beating heart. A hedgehog doesn't even know it doesn't have a name.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
It's not about me, at all.

Acting is such a tough depressing job. At the end of the day, one must NEVER get their hopes up. Because when you do, you risk disappointment. You can only do your best, and then forget about it. If you happen to get the job, that's an added bonus. Someone at an audition told me 'That is exactly what we're looking for!'. So I waited for the call. But instead, got an email from them 1 day late saying 'It was a close call, but sorry it's a no this time round'. It's like dating! You think you've found Mr Right and he treats you like a princess and is uber keen but after your third date you never hear from him and realise he's met someone else.

I need to stop expecting anything. But then again, it's all still fresh. But then again, when I'm jaded and cynical, I'm going to be 10 times as hopeful with each audition, considering if I only get one every 3 months...

Remember that it's not you; it's them. You are amazing and excellent at what you do; they just happen to be looking for something else. Depressing isn't it? It really is like dating. So, I'm hanging on in there for this biggie, NOT going to expect anything, nah-uh-uh. Expectations: baaaaad. Assuming the worst: goooood.

There's a million reasons why you don't get cast: too old, too young, too blonde, too skinny, wrong skin tone, non-perfect teeth, doesn't look good with the other actor, doesn't look like the actor playing the mum, looks too much like the actor playing the friend, voice too bright, wrong accent, too good looking, too perfect, producer wants someone more famous, in general just not quite right.

So it's not me, it's them. Remember that Daphne Quah. And don't be a sook. An audition is an audition is an audition is only an audition. So what if you don't get it? You move onto the next thing. Steady on! as the English would say.

So, a professional actor is actually, really, a professional auditionee. And a person who takes all rejection professionally, never personally.

I am brilliant, and magnificently so. And that's that. And if you don't see it, that's just too bad, for both of us.


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